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Humans and Technology in the Twenty-First Century

Technology is increasingly pervading all aspects of our lives: wearable devices monitor our behaviors, other devices enhance our perception and cognition significantly beyond what is naturally possible, more devices around our home learn our habits and optimize our use of resources, social robots provide physical and emotional support, autonomous vehicles will soon transport us from here to there efficiently. Machine learning algorithms that are incorporated in many of these devices can predict our behavior more accurately than we ourselves can. These devices are changing our behaviors, both as an individual and as a society, in radical and unforeseen ways. At the same time, our behaviors are also challenging and guiding the evolution of the landscape of future technologies. The larger goal of this lab is to bring a team of experts from different disciplines to examine the coevolution of humans and technology in the twenty-first century from multiple perspective. In particular, these are some of the technologies we will focus on:

● Cognitive enhancement (including Brain-Computer interfaces)

● Affective computing

● Virtual-reality, augmented-reality and mixed-reality systems

● Social Robotics

● Autonomous vehicles (cars and drones)

● Persuasive technologies (for behavioral modification)

● Wearable technologies (for monitoring health and other behaviors)

● Internet of Things (technologies around the house for smart homes)

● Smart cities and other smart environments

● Communication and collaboration technologies (Problems of machine learning algorithms for continual learning in real environments)

● Cultural memory and digital archives/collections For each of these technologies, we would like to examine their interaction with humans considering the following points of views:

● Perspective from science and technology (in particular machine learning)

● Transhumanism, posthumanism futurology and philosophy of technology

● Cognitive and psychological point of view

● Ethical point of view

● Legal point of view

● Perspective from art, culture, aesthetic and design (like brain art)

● Medicine and therapy Our LAB PRA proposition covers the priority of DigiWorld PRA.

We also want to conduct research in the field of development of digital technologies and the ensuing social changes, large sets of digitised data and the AI methods. All technologies we are interested in and all interactions human-technology are strictly related are presented in DigiWorld PRA Priority Research Area Description

The presentation of the preLab took place 5th Nov 2020 .

Title: Humans and Technology in the Twenty-First Century

Speaker: dr inż. Bipin Indurkhya, prof. UJ (Zakład Kognitywistyki, W. Filozoficzny)

Summery: Technology is increasingly pervading all aspects of our lives: wearable devices monitor our behaviors, other devices enhance our perception and cognition significantly beyond what is naturally possible, more devices around our home learn our habits and optimize our use of resources, social robots provide physical and emotional support, autonomous vehicles will soon transport us from here to there efficiently. Machine learning algorithms that are incorporated in many of these devices can predict our behavior more accurately than we ourselves can. These devices are changing our behaviors, both as an individual and as a society, in radical and unforeseen ways. At the same time, our behaviors are also challenging and guiding the evolution of the landscape of future technologies.

W ramach prac prelabu HaT21 realizowany jest minigrant:

Bipin Indurkhya A study on the impact of social robots on children’s social relationships


Aby dołączyć do preLabu lub przesłać zapytanie należy kontaktować się z dr inż. Bipin Indurkhya, prof. UJ (Wydział Filozoficzny) mail:

In order to join preLab's team or send a quastion, please contact: dr inż. Bipin Indurkhya, prof. UJ (Faculty of Philosophy JU)  mail: